Es probable que este cambio haya requerido cambiar la API mínima de la aplicación, pero si éste no fue el caso y realmente no necesitaba hacer eso (algo poco probable y de hecho alguien abajo en los comentarios ha probado lo que he dicho sin tener éxito), entonces la app se instalará en el dispositivo antiguo y podría funcionar. Zoom actualizó la app debido a problemas de privacidad/seguridad de los usuarios y usar la nueva encriptación GCM AES de 256 bits. However, to do this, it is necessary to decompile the APK with tools such as APKtool or Android Studio ( 2 ), and once the change is made, recompile the APK and then install it. In the case of my tablet with Android 4.4.4, whose API is 19, I should change the number 21 that the original Zoom manifest should have (and it should look as indicated below) by the number 19. This is a reverse engineering procedure that requires editing the manifest.xml file of the APK and changing the android: minSdkVersion attribute ( minimum API level that the app requires to function) by the API corresponding to the Android version of the old device. Minimum API levels required (minSdkVersion) for an application to function correctly on a certain version of Android There are a couple of threads on the Zoom support forums, here and here, that mention this situation and it appears to be in the process of being fixed. In this case, it only remains to wait for Zoom to fix this problem. Unfortunately this is due to a lack of support or compatibility of Zoom with mobile browsers, be it Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge (I have tested it on all of them). Once inside the meeting, it is quite likely that you will find another problem: a completely black or white screen, without image, video or audio. Once there, activate the "View desktop site" option from the browser menu (three-dot button at the top) so that the link "Join from browser" or "Start through your browser" will appear. To do this, click on the meeting link to open it in the browser. Secondly, once the host has activated the indicated option, create a meeting (from a PC or mobile APP) and invite you, you will have to force the "Join from the browser" link to appear. Therefore, you must contact the host to request that they make this change and you can join from the browser of your old Android device. However, first of all, for this link to appear and you can join, it is necessary for the administrator or host of the meeting to activate this possibility in their account settings from a web browser, as indicated here. The easiest way to use Zoom on older devices is to join a meeting from the browser, from the link that says "Join from the browser" and that appears when you click on a meeting link in Zoom ( tutorial in English ). Instructions for Allowing Users to Join Zoom Meetings from the Browser